There are more than 35,000 species of spiders worldwide, a few thousand of which (including the most dangerous) are found in Australia alone.
Spiders can be a particular nuisance in the home. They are attracted to warm, dark small spaces, like wall cracks, corners, air vents, and in the eaves of your home. Other spider species prefer to stay closer to the outdoors, weaving their webs in your garden or near your outside lighting. Most spiders are a nuisance primarily because of their webbing.
Easily recognisable by their eight legs, some people happily tolerate the presence of spiders whilst others cannot bear the thought of them. Professional spider control is important for people with a real fear of spiders but also to control a large or repeat infestation.
Our treatments provide effective control of an existing problem and guarantee complete removal of an infestation. Our local technicians have expert knowledge about spider species. We can offer advice on how to spot the early signs of an infestation, to enable quick and effective targeted treatment for your home or business.
If you would like a localised and specific management plan please call our account managers on (02) 96350477.