There are over 300 different species of mosquito in Australia however, very few of them are of major concern. Mosquitos are at their most active in the morning or at night, particularly in summer when the air is hot and humid.
Mosquitoes appear as small, almost midge-like flies that have long, tube-like mouthparts used for extracting nectar and fluids from plants as well as blood from animal hosts. These hosts vary widely, from mammals to birds, reptiles and even fish. Male mosquitoes feed solely on plant nectars and fluids however, although females also feed from plants, they require meals of nutrient-rich blood to develop their eggs for hatching. Mosquitoes find their prey through the use of chemical, heat and visual sensors. Their preferred habitat is a damp and shady environment, with available water in which to lay and hatch their eggs.
Although the amount of blood a female mosquito draws from a host is of little consequence, their saliva irritates the skin, causing a raised, itching area where the bite occurred. In great numbers, these can be extremely irritating for those bitten, and tend to leak fluid if scratched too heavily, which opens the bitten individual to possible infections. The annoyance of these bites can be alleviated by the use of certain anti-itch creams.
Since female mosquitoes feed on blood from multiple hosts, they may carry a disease found in the blood of one host to other hosts, causing swift dispersion of that particular disease.
Even if large numbers of mosquitoes haven’t been spotted around your home, an increase in the number of mosquito bites on your friends and family is a clear sign of increased mosquito presence. If you live in an area with a humid climate and open water sources, then it is possible that you have a mosquito infestation. To best avoid any of the possible health risks and inconveniences of mosquito infestation, any possible infestation should be dealt with completely and professionally.
If you would like a localised and specific management plan please call our account managers on (02) 96350477.